Accept your invite to join Monzo
Join more than 10 million people with a Monzo account to earn up to £50
Which account would you like to open?
Personal referrals
Sign up for an account with your friend’s link.
Spend on your card within 30 days (excluding ATM and money transfers).
You’ll both earn £10!
Business referrals
Sign up for an account as a sole trader or director of a limited company. UK business only.
Spend on your card within 30 days (excluding ATM and money transfers).
You’ll both earn £50!
Personal account
Earn £10 each
Sign up for an account with your friend’s link.
Spend on your card within 30 days (excluding ATM and money transfers).
You’ll both earn £10!
Business account
Earn £50 each
Sign up for an account as a sole trader or director of a limited company. UK business only.
Spend on your card within 30 days (excluding ATM and money transfers).
You’ll both earn £50!